Icarly episodes
Icarly episodes

In stupor, I tried to finish watching the god damned mother fucking thing. I was now hesitating to close the entire fucking browser and smash my hard-drive into oblivion. She had a blank expression, no expression what-so-ever.

icarly episodes

Carly and Freddie were sobbing wildly as Sam just stared at the now singed head of Spencer. He started screaming to the point of hysterics while Carly was watching his face burn. His scalp was beginning to singe off, leaving 3rd Degree burn marks. The flame burned through the helmet, causing Jerry's hair to light on fire. It cut to one of the earlier episodes, "iGo To Japan" and started with Spencer's flaming head gag, only it wasn't comical. The only noise in the backgroud was Sam running out of breath and coughing while Spencer's face filled up my computer monitor. Sorta like he was breaking the fourth wall in a morbid way. "Hey, Carly! I found this DVD and I was-" Spencer stopped in mid-sentence and stared into the camera. Sam started laughing in hysterics spontaneously as Freddie and Carly watched, with the most sinister, pale, scared looks on their faces. It began with Carly, Sam, and Freddie watching "Girly Cow" on VHS.


I was puzzled at the fact that Dan Schnider revealed his full legal name on a very disturbing video. This episode was directed by Daniel James Schnider.

icarly episodes

The script that was leaked was written by one of the now incarcerated writers, -name not revealed for undisclosed reasons. It started off with a fairly short note, reading: Dan Schnider and the cast and crew of iCarly would like to take this time to write a full apology for the nature of this episode. He instead aired iGoodbye.That was until the script in it's entirety was leaked. The script was so sinister, profound, disgusting, and dark, Dan Schnider kept it to himself. Believe it or not, rumors started popping up of an un-aired final episode's script, pages leaked on such forums as /x/, Reddit, and Media Websites. It ended on a strong emotional note, which some are actually calling quite "dark" for a children's show on Nickelodeon. ICarly aired it's final episode in November 2012.

Icarly episodes